
Hey y'all! I'm Megan, a suburban cavegirl learning and living Primally in SoCal. In this little corner of the interwebz, you'll find my experiences (and oftentimes experiments) in my "cave," aka my kitchen, on my long & winding road to health & wellness through food & nutrition.

A Cavegirl is born...

It all started innocently enough: in late summer of 2011, while listening to this interview with Karen DeCoster on lewrockwell.com about government's role in our diet & health, I learned about the Paleo/Primal lifestyle. I Googled The Primal Blueprint, written by former world-class marathon runner Mark Sisson, who now owns and runs a vitamin and supplement business in addition to his enormously successful blog, MarksDailyApple.com (affectionately dubbed 'MDA' by its thousands of followers). Though I had already grasped the concept of the 'low-carb diet'- how excess dietary carbohydrates is ultimately what makes people fat and unhealthy- I was completely unaware of the numerous catastrophic side affects of ingesting the wrong kinds of food, and I don't just mean fast food and sugar. Mark was able to break down technically, but in a very readable way, the biochemistry of what food does once it passes our lips and how our bodies react to the different types of fuel we take in. I won't get into the full scientific explanation here, but if you're interested you can visit MDA at the above link. I tore through the book in a single weekend, and spent hours reading numerous success stories of fellow "Grokkers." Never before have I been so eager to jump right into a lifestyle change and start making my life better.

Time has passed in more or less of a blur since then, but I've learned a ton about living- and especially cooking- Primally. And though there's a myriad of benefits to making the switch from the Standard American Diet (SAD) of fast food, soda, processed "foods" and eating on-the-go, I understand that it's not for everyone. That's where I come in: By providing simple, healthy recipes that anyone can make and afford, I hope to convince you all to at least ditch the frozen dinners, the take-out, and especially the gluten (there is no greater evil in my book).
If you’re ready for something new, take a look around- and let me know what you think! I’m new to this blogging thing, so any suggestions for improvement are welcome. Just remember to mind your manners; I’m a sweet lil thing until you cross me… >)

Thanks for stopping by, and GROK ON!!! =)



  1. Hey Grok Chick,

    Cool blog. Nice picture. The bangs are stylin'.

    Mike in GH


Join the conversation! Feedback is always welcome in my cave. So treat this section like a bookstore: Browse, get comfy, sip some coffee (or bone broth, if coffee ain't your thing). But you wouldn't shout or drop f-bombs in a bookstore, would you? I hope not. So please, no profanity or typing in all caps (it's the online equivalent of shouting). Anyone breaking these rules or posting spam will be banished from the tribe. Thank you! =)